Dr. Pravin Patel
I have been a dentist for over 20 years, and I have seen firsthand just how important a full smile is to my patients’ quality of life. After hearing their stories of how hard it was to eat and how they didn’t like to smile in front of others, it brings me much joy to know that I have been able to change their lives through my work. Having worked with hundreds of patients, placing thousands of dental implants, the one thing I always look forward to is the moment when they see their new smile for the first time. The look of pure happiness from my patients when they are handed the mirror is indescribable and truly rewarding for me.
When my patients come back to me for regular checkups and cleanings, they tell me all about how their new teeth have changed their lives. They can eat their favorite foods again, they can smile freely again, and most importantly they are healthy again. These are the moments I truly feel blessed to have the opportunity to transform smiles and improve lives. If you are having any problems with your teeth at all, give my office a call and we’ll see how we can help you too.

Are Dental Implants Right For Me?
There are many factors that can determine whether or not dental implants are right for you, including bone health, the amount of teeth still in the mouth, and some health conditions. The only way to know for sure is to book an appointment as soon as possible. Our front office staff are eager to take your call Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm. Call (925) 679-3333 to reserve your free consultation spot today.